Blessed With Parking connects RV Enthusiasts with Faith-Based organizations, so you can have a divine night's sleep!

We are building the network right now!

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How does Blessed With Parking Work?




Frequently Asked Questions from RV Guests

Why should I use Blessed With Parking?

We understand the challenge faced when driving long distances and needing a safe, quiet night of sleep along the way. Blessed With Parking connects you to a network of faith-based organizations who are opening their empty parking lots up to you so you can rest comfortably and feel welcome in a new town.

Do I have to be a member of the hosting church’s faith to stay?

Not at all!

Blessed With Parking hosts welcome everyone to join them and look forward to seeing both old and new friends!.

How much does it cost to participate?

There is no membership fee, and most nights average between $15 – $25 depending on the facilities and their amenities.

What can I expect when I stay?

Each organization provides different resources and you are welcome to participate as you wish. Many offer access to restrooms and morning coffee. You have the opportunity to fellowship if you wish, or arrive late and depart early knowing you are going to get a peaceful night's sleep and support a great local ministry.

How do I know what to do or where to park?

Upon completing your reservation, you will be emailed a welcome package. In it you will find in many cases aerial photos showing where to park. In addition you will receive contact information and a list of available features such as playground facilities, access to restrooms, picnic areas, or other amenities.

Frequently Asked Questions from Faith Based Organizations

How much does it cost to participate?

There is absolutely no cost to the faith based organization for participating. Some organizations have chosen to offer benefits like free morning coffee and access to restrooms, but that is all up to the hosting organization. The key is to enjoy meeting new people and hearing their stories of the great experiences they have had traveling this beautiful country of ours. 

Why would we want to let people park at our church?

There are over 1 million families traveling full time and another 11 million traveling seasonally, and many of them are disconnected from their home church. Allowing these travelers to spend a night in your parking lot provides them with a safe, quiet night of sleep and a great opportunity for fellowship, while generating revenues so you can continue to help others.

How does it work?

You control the times and days of the week that you are available for travelers to park, as well as where within your lot they should stay. When a guest books, you will receive an email with their profile information as well as a description of their vehicle so you know who is visiting. Your customized welcome information is sent to the guest when booking so they know all about your location. After their stay you receive 50% of the nightly booking fee. 

Are You A Faith-Based Organization Interested In Learning More?